Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sewers Under Kasprah – Extra Red & Blue

Tunnel Runner, Rummaging Orggling, Counterfit Alligator, Divergent Fork
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The most interesting card here is Divergent Fork, which is like normal Fork, but you must choose new targets if able. I originally called it Fork Off when it was just a complete joke set, but I kind of liked the idea of the card, so now Divergent Fork sounds more like it's a new tunnel in the sewer.

Hostage Negotiation, Invigorating Violence, Purger's Saber, Burrow Squad

Hostage Negotiation I think is neat. Not only is it a normal threaten effect, but you get to kill the hostage if one of your own creatures takes damage on your next swing. It no longer becomes a simple "I borrow your creature for one turn" effect, and now the sacrifice effect that makes threaten effects more useful is stapled right on the card.

Purger's Saber is a Red artifact to go in the Red/White equipment deck. It doesn't have to go in a red deck, but it just makes the equip cost much cheaper. Also technically it matters that you're in Purger colors (who are all Humans and Dwarves and cover all colors except blue).

Burrow Squad is land destruction on a stick, which makes it a pretty powerful bomb all told, which is why I made it such an expensive card.

Slip By, Read the Waters, Backflow, One-Armed Crab

Read the Waters is for the Red/Blue Instants & Sorceries deck, though I want to come up with something cooler for those colors, now that I've seen the recent sets with "draw your second card" and "cast a spell on an opponent's turn" as the Izzet archetypes.

Backflow is a huge tempo play, but when you bounce only a token (therefore you do not get to turn off your opponent's next draw step), you get to draw a card yourself, evening out the effect.

Homarid Looter, Mutating Waters, Locked Grate, Jammed Floodgate

Mutating Waters is a blue removal spell, and though in recent sets you make blue frogs instead of green frogs, I already had a green frog theme going before I made this card so I decided it was not important to make another token just for a color change.

Locked Grate is a super slow Millstone, but if you want to make the Esper Mill deck a thing, here's one option. I've seen too many mill decks recently, so the idea has lost its charm, though when you're lost in the sewers you are quite likely to go insane, so it's tough to part with the idea...

Jammed Floodgate works well as both a bounce lock on your opponent, but can also serve as an expensive way to blink your own creatures. The blink deck idea is starting to sound more fun...

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