Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sewers Under Kasprah – Blue Burst & Black Plunge

Again, back on the Burst train. So much fun.

Spellsniper, Forceful Minotaur, Third Eyeclops, Overgrown Squid
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The blue Burst commons are fairly normal blue effects: countering spells, bouncing permanents, scrying, and card draw.

The uncommons, and the next mythic, however, is where it's at.

Rebel Recruiter; Spillway Throttler; Ochetas, Sewer Queen

Rebel Recruiter steals a creature and Spillway Throttler sleeps all creatures, both of which of course are huge plays, but it's Ochetas here that really brings things home. It has two separate instances of Burst, so you can stack them and choose whether to sacrifice a land for each independently. If you need to untap all of your permanents (and in particular your lands here) to cast more spells in hand, effectively making Ochetas practically free (apart from the sacrificed land), you can do just that. Or, if you need to refill your hand with a few cards so you have some spells to cast, you can do that instead. Or, sacrifice two lands and do both! I love Ochetas as a bomb mythic. I originally named her Thalassa, but of course it sounds like Thassa, and in any case both are from the same root word, so instead of "Sea" as my root (especially in a sewer), I used "eight". (Good thing she's an 8/8 for 8!)

Burbly Lurker, Vision from Viscera, Scavenger's Shadow, Peel Sanity, Gurgly Lurker

The Plunges here aren't too special to note here. Scavenger's Shadow is an Aura with the ETB Plunge trigger. Peel Sanity is a Plunge that repeats until you get something that isn't a land, so you get to Scry. You might peel five lands off the top, or stop at the first card. Gurgly Lurker is the common Plunge payoff.

Dryhusk Merfolk, Fetid Orgg, Sucklig Feeder, Shiver of Merfolk

Suckling Feeder is the uncommon Plunge Payoff. Shiver of Merfolk has a "double Plunge" trigger, and multiple ones, at that.

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