Friday, April 26, 2019

Ruin of Seffala – Green -1/-1 Counter Hate

With all the Wither floating around in Jund, some colors should have ways around it. According to the MtG wiki, Black is usually the only color that gets to removes counters off things. However, I figured that since most counters are positive, with notable exceptions being -1/-1 counters and poison counters, perhaps the colors that don't often remove positive counters will be able to remove negative counters. For this, I primarily picked green and white, so we'll start with some Green counter stuff.

Natural Balm, Lift Up, Misty-Eyed Dimmer, Neutralize
*Edit 4/29: Witherkin, not witherin.  Oops.
What with -1/-1 counters not necessarily being in every opponent's game plan (what if they were Azorius Shamans/flyers?), each of these cards provides some -1/-1 counter hate, but also does something else, just in case.

Natural Balm has the benefit of targeting two creatures, but it is also an expensive cantrip if you have to use it that way. Also, both Natural Balm and Lift Up are instants, so they can act as combat tricks. The untapping for Lift Up messes with blocks, but the removal of counters in both cases can make a blocker (or even attacker) bigger than they appear.

Like all Djinn, Misty-Eyed Dimmer gives the player two options. In this case, it provides the flavor of a Green creature.

Neutralize, of course, is good sideboard tech, with a normal use case (artifact or enchantment hate), and the expansion-specific hate (counters).