Friday, August 8, 2014

Dev Log: Latchkey #58

The comment I left to myself after the last post was


Yeah, I think that sums it up.

As far as what I got, well, I seem to have copied & pasted the which-barrier-solving code to become which-item-solving code.  So neither are perfect, but they ought to work well enough for now.  I cleared out a few syntax errors, and a runtime error, and then a visual error (the messages weren't showing up), so things appears to work in those regards.  Now I just gotta actually move all the verb functions to the player class and see how well it works.

Currently, the error message that pops up (which I put there) still doesn't appear in the error message box where it's supposed to, so I most definitely want to figure out the best way to move that to the proper place.  If I don't, it'll get very annoying, very quickly.  I know a way to do it, but I think there may be a better way somewhere.

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