Friday, August 1, 2014

Dev Log: Latchkey #57

I managed to get it so if the player tries doing something with a barrier ("open door", for instance), and there's more than one, it then checks the rest of the player's command for matching adjectives.  This required me to set up barrier adjectives differently, which is fine, because it now matches the way item adjectives are set up anyway.

I also set up barrier plurals while I was at it, at least so far so the error message works if two or more barriers are found and the player didn't specify well enough.  I still have to make it so directional keywords work for barriers, which is a whole different mess, I think.

Unfortunately, I am break a little bit of functionality by moving the parser to the player class, because now error messages will no longer appear in the right box, but are sent to the normal messages box.  I'm sure I can fix that as well.

I seem to be breaking more than I'm fixing.  Is it worth it to do all this?  I should have made a branch instead of plowing ahead in the root.  Too late.

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