Friday, July 18, 2014

Dev Log: Latchkey #55

Still working on transferring commands to items rather than verb functions.  Apparently AS3 doesn't support overloading, making things tough.

I'm trying to figure out the proper way to code basically English.  Unfortunately, English has a nasty habit of forgetting the Subject while remembering the Object.  So when you type "Take [item]", the player object is picking up the item object.  This just means the room's inventory pointer vector loses the item, and the player's inventory gains it.  Except now if I'm searching the player's input for an item first, then it will figure out the item, then attempt to run the Take function within the item, when I should be running the Take function in the Player.

So it may be back to the drawing board.  I don't want to throw so much in the Interface class, but I don't want to throw everything in the Player class, either.

Perhaps if I search for the hidden stuff first?  Like have the Player class see if any functions match the input, and failing that, try to check for items and barriers?  I can quickly see how the code will get confusing if I'm not extremely careful here.

The past couple weeks have been much more thinking and a lot less doing, because I don't want to completely break the game by accident.

Hopefully I can make some forward progress next week...

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