Dominion: Industry
March of Progress:
Automaton, Clockwork, Dumping Grounds, Machine Tools, Park, Printing Press,
Shrewd Merchant, Textiles, Travelling Market, Tycoon
This one should be fairly well-rounded, again giving players
lots of leeway to learn new mechanics without any attacks baring down.
With vanilla Dominion:
Moving Forward:
Feast, Laboratory, Market, Remodel, Workshop / Land Run, Pipeline, Steam
Engine, Travelling Market, Water Wheel
In this one, it should be pretty hard to move up and get the
high cards, but once you do, you start to steam ahead.
Population Control:
Militia, Moat, Moneylender, Spy, Village / Clockwork, Luddites, Shrewd
Merchant, Slumlord, Tariff
This one is a bit attack-heavy, while also have lots of
cards that keep your deck small, often making you trash or replace cards.
With Intrigue:
Hard Times: Mining Village,
Secret Chamber, Shanty
Town, Swindler, Wishing
Well / Dumping Grounds, Luddites, Pawn Broker, Tariff, Water Wheel
I expect this one to be a slower game.
Boomtimes: Bridge,
Great Hall, Nobles, Tribute, Upgrade / Canal, Nomadic Traders, Oil Field,
Railroad, Tycoon
I expect this one to be a faster game... though I'm usually
unable to accurate predict a game's length.
Often when I see what I think is a decent set, the game blows by quick
before I realize it. Only one way to
find out how well this set works!
With Alchemy:
Liquid Measure:
Apothecary, Apprentice, Herbalist, Scrying Pool, Vineyard / Canal, Nomadic
Traders, Pawn Broker, Pipeline, Water Wheel
This one allows you to carefully plan your next move, or has
cards which require careful planning during your move.
Worlds Collide:
Alchemist, Golem, Philosopher's Stone, Transmute, University / Automaton,
Machine Tools, Railroad, Steel
Town, Tycoon
With this set, I went a bit out of my comfort zone of
premium choices and picked a few cards I normally don't use myself. After all, there should be some games where I don't already know the best way to
With Guilds:
Clash of Times:
Baker, Butcher, Candlestick Maker, Merchant Guild, Stonemason / Luddites,
Pipeline, Steam Engine, Steel
Town, Textiles
This one is heavy on the coin tokens from Guilds.
A New Era:
Advisor, Herald, Journeyman, Masterpiece, Plaza / Automaton, Oil Field, Park,
Printing Press, Railroad
This one tries to use a few Guilds cards that you can
overpay, while also trying to keep things pretty balanced and interesting.
Try 'em out, see how they play, suggest your own sets!