Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Development Log: DOOM Monthathon #6

I redid everything I had previously lost, plus some, bringing the level to alpha.

This shouldn't change much anymore.
I know many people have different definitions of 'alpha' so I'll clarify here by saying that alpha means you can get from the beginning to the end, even if there are no bad guys, obstacles, etc.  What needs to be there to complete the level is there and functional (keys, lifts, teleports, etc.).

So I spent much of the time finishing up the last area.

Oh yes, definitely inspiration from Curse of the Catacombs.
This area has the dual purpose of functioning as the final area and the 2nd area (of four), because the first time you visit it, you see it through the bars of the cages, and the second time you are outside.

So close yet so far.
I also changed the location of the red key in the room that changes shape based on what difficulty level you are on, to provide a little extra challenge.

Now that it's at alpha, my next tasks are to add enemies, items, fix textures, and set lighting.  I also need to add boxes to the storage rooms in the sewer.


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