Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ruin of Seffala – U/B Mill, W Counter Hate, G Ramp, R Card Advantage

Ok, let's blast through these.

Crushing Headache, Feasting Maggots, Absentminded, Powdermaker, Concussive Nettler, Lunatic Dimmer
We'll get through a slew of these yet.
One of the themes of Blue/Black is Mill, so here is a suite of cards that help with that. I like how the variety of options actually cross through the tribes, so no one tribe or theme is exclusively Mill. Feasting Maggots has a parasite flavor, Powdermaker is a shaman, Concussive Nettler is a Witherkin, and Lunatic Dimmer is a Djinn.

Healing Herbs, Learning Herbalist, Rise to Glory

Like Green from before, White gets a bit of -1/-1 counter hate. In this case, however, I'd think that these are all Shaman-related.

Homesick Herbalist, Nature's Return, Starving Tuskrats

I've always been a fan of ramp, and I like to experiment with different ways to achieve it. Homesick Herbalist is like Avacyn's Pilgrim, but taps for blue; I had the flavor of a Shaman that's naturally a Blue creature get lost in the forest. Nature's Return was made before "Return to Nature" came up in real Magic sets, I swear. However the flavor is also that, while Shamans and Witherkin and Djinni are fighting amongst themselves, the forest is quietly regrowing, healing itself, to prepare to stop the wars and bring peace back to the land. Meanwhile Starving Tuskrats give more of the flavor of how sick the land currently is.

Frantic Advantage, Grubbing Nettler, Mourning Djinn

A few instances here of Red's psuedo-card advantage of the rummaging type. Frantic Advantage was inspired by Frantic Search. Both Witherkin and Djinni are represented here as options, should you need one over the other for tribal reasons.

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