Thursday, October 25, 2012

Development Log: HeroQuest Monthathon #8 - Level 5

Level 5 builds upon the previous levels' story, introduces a little more furniture, and some Chaos Spells.  It caps off the story of the mod, and has ending text common to Quest Books.

By the way, I've been using Rinkwork's Fantasy Name Generator for most of the names in this mod.

Click to Enlarge.
Quest Book text:

Quest 5 - Roon, the Orc Den

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

"The Emperor is glad the Gargoyle has been slain, though it seems to have been a red herring.  Fortunately, the truth is revealed: Zargon is teaching greenskins magic!  We cannot have this.  Reports are that magical lights are coming from the Orc Dens of Roon.  Enter, and clear out the Orcs.  We must prevent them from spreading their knowledge!  Defeat any spellcasting Orcs that you find, as well as their commander, Sneezefoot."

A: Place an Orc here.  The orc knows the Chaos Spell "Summon Undead."

B: Place an Orc here.  The orc knows the Chaos Spell "Summon Orcs."  The first hero who searches for treasure in this room will find the Artifact "Orc's Bane."

C: Place an Orc here.  The Orc knows the Chaos Spell "Ball of Flame."

D: Place an Orc here.  The Orc knows the Chaos Spell "Tempest."

E: Place an Orc here.  The Orc knows the Chaos Spell "Sleep."

F: Place an Orc here.  The Orc knows the Chaos Spell "Lightning Bolt."

G: Place an Orc with a large blade here.  This is Sneezefoot.  He has the following stats:

Movement: 9
Attack: 4
Defend: 3
Body: 3
Mind: 4

In addition, Sneezefoot knows the following Chaos Spells:  Sleep, Tempest, and Ball of Flame.

The first Hero to search for treasure in this room will find 200 Gold Coins and a Treasure Revealed Spell Scroll.

After the Heroes complete this Quest, read the following text:

"You have done exceedingly well, and the Emperor is pleased.  For a job well done, he grants each Hero a bounty of 250 Gold Coins.  You have struck down Zargon's orc spellcasters before they could learn too much.  Hopefully Zargon has learned a powerful lesson here: that you are more powerful than even his Greenskin mages.  The Emperor gives his thanks, and will have need of you again in the near future, but as of now this chapter is closed."

Next log will cap off this Monthathon with a PDF containing all that has been made for this Month for easy download.

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