Thursday, October 11, 2012

Development Log: HeroQuest Monthathon #4 - Level 1

Much like the first quest in the original game, this one is a test before the real fun begins, takes place in a tomb, and has no traps or secret doors for the Heroes to worry about.

However, I decided to change a few things.  First, I decided to give the first level an Undead theme, rather than showing off every enemy there is.  I also only have seven pieces of furniture. 

I always felt the first level spoiled the surprises of the game by putting every monster and every piece of furniture in the game in the first level.  Here, I have only five unique pieces, and three monsters.  I have also significantly reduced the difficulty of the first level, since, in the original, the first level is the most difficult, which of course should not be the case.

Click to enlarge.
Quest Book text:

Quest 1 - The Test

"Before you are deemed worthy of facing Zargon, you must first past a test.  You are to enter the Crypt of Omgar, and steal the ring from his tomb.  It is of immense value to the Emperor, for Clerical study of the ring will reveal the secrets of Zargon's Necromancy.  Bring back the ring, and you will be accepted as true heroes."

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Skeleton

A. The Mummy in this room is Omgar.  If a Hero searches for treasure in this room, he will find the Ring of Omgar.  There is no other treasure in this room.

B. This is a library of spells.  If a Hero searches for treasure in this room, he will find an Extra Oomph Spell Scroll.

C. This is a room of Omgar's personal heirlooms.  Within the chests are coins and collectors' items totaling 200 Gold Coins.  If a hero searches for treasure in this room, he will find them.

D. This room contains Omgar's internal organs and other mummification apparatuses.  The antique jars they are kept in can fetch a price of 100 Gold Coins.  The first hero who searches for treasure will find them.  However, if the door to Omgar's tomb has not yet been opened, and a hero searches for treasure, he gets the treasure, but then the door will immediately open.  Tell the heroes that they have awoken Omgar, and his is angry.

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