Thursday, June 18, 2015

FissureVerse: Rogations Rules clarified and fixed.

I've altered the Rogations rules text in the instructions.  The full text is below, but the gist is that it's just a careful expansion of the rules I had posted, spelled out in greater detail in hopes of being clearer, and on par with the Frenzy and Crusade explanations.  I also changed the way you can take back your unrevealed Rogations, so it plays a little more like Frenzies, but with a bit of an extra penalty for retracting a revealed Rogation.

I'm also seriously considering adding some extra symbol to Rogation cards to let the player know what kind of Rogation it is (since I split them into Immediate, Lasting, and Conditional).  Perhaps the symbol will be in the middle of the card with the Crusader requirements.


Rogations are special cards which you may play out of Turn Order.  However, you can only play Rogations between Player Turns, or immediately before the first Player's turn, or immediately after the last Player's Turn.

Each Player may only play one Rogation at a time, and may only play one Rogation per Round.  If a Player has one Rogation currently in play, that Player may not play another Rogation until the first is Resolved.  Other Players, however, may play a Rogation of their own whether other Players have Rogations in play or not.

To play a Rogation, you must announce between Player Turns that you have a Rogation to play (or during a Turn, you announce that at the end of the current Turn you have a Rogation to play).  This prevents the next Player from starting their Turn early, before you have a chance to perform your Rogation.

If multiple players announce their intention to play Rogations between the same phase, precedence is determined by Turn Order: the Player who goes first in Turn Order plays their Rogation first.  A Player who wants to play a Rogation but is superseded by another Player may decide to not play their Rogation at that time--or might even be prevented from playing theirs!

After use or completion, Rogations are discarded into the appropriate Player's Discard Pile.  Rogations stay in play until their effect is complete.  Leave all Rogations in sight of all players to reference until the Rogation is discarded.

Rogations usually require a minimum number of your Crusaders to be in the Field of Play to use.  Sometimes there is a straightforward minimum number, other times there are special requirements explained on the card.  For instance, Whispers requires you to have fewer Crusaders in the Field of Play than any of your Opponents.

If two or more Rogations are played that contradict each other, the first played takes precedence.

When Rogations contradict Location cards, Location cards take precedence.  However, you may sacrifice one of your Crusaders in your hand or in the Field of Play to the Vortex to override the Location's rule and allow the contradicting Rogation to take precedence.

There are three informal Rogation types: Immediate, Lasting, and Conditional.  Each plays slightly differently, but all Rogations are simple enough to follow.

Rogation i.) Immediate

Some Rogations have an immediate effect.  Sometimes, the Rogation's first word is "Immediately", letting you know that the effect will occur without pause.

To play an Immediate Rogation, simply reveal it from your hand if you meet the minimum Crusder requirements, and follow the instructions on the card.  Discard the Rogation when you are done.

Rogation ii.) Lasting

Lasting Rogations act similarly to Immediate Rogations, except that they remain in the Field of Play for a limited amount of time.

Like Immediate Rogations, you may play Lasting Rogations immediately from your hand when you meet the minimum Crusader requirement, but do not Discard them immediately.  Lasting Rogations will give a time frame, usually until the end of the Round.  This makes it especially useful to play Lasting Rogations at the beginning of the Round, to make sure they last as long as possible.  Remember: a new Round doesn't begin until a new Location card is revealed!

Rogation iii.) Conditional

Conditional Rogations play differently from Immediate and Lasting Rogations.  These Rogations only have an effect when some extra condition is met.  Conditional Rogations usually start with "The next time..." to indicate its latent effect.

You do not play Conditional Rogations from your hand, but rather you place them in the Field of Play first, until the condition is met.  You do *not* have to meet the minimum number of Crusaders in the Field of Play when you put the Rogation into the Field of Play, nor do you have to announce your intention.  Instead, you must meet the minimum number of Crusaders in your Field of Play and announce your intention to play the Rogation *when the other condition is met*.

For instance, suppose you have Burial Rites in your hand.  You can place it in the Field of Play any time.  The condition for Burial Rites is "The next time one of your Crusaders is killed...", and the minimum Crusader requirements is 1.  So, the next time one of your Crusaders is killed, and you *still have one Crusader in the Field of Play*, Burial Rites takes effect.  If you only had one Crusader in the Field of Play, and it was killed, you now have zero Crusaders in the Field of Play, so Burial Rites cannot not go into effect.

If you are placing a Conditional Rogation in the Field of Play, you may place the Rogation facedown.  You may reveal it anytime before it takes effect, or at the moment when the Rogation goes into effect.  You do not have to reveal the Rogation as soon as it meets the requirements to become active; you can instead continue to leave it facedown for as long as you like.  However, for the Rogation to have an effect, it must meet both the requirements specified on the Rogation, and be faceup.

If you have placed a Conditional Rogation into the Field of Play and decide you wish to get rid of it, you may Discard it at anytime; however, you must spend one Token to do so. If you do not have any Tokens, you cannot remove the Rogation from the Field of Play.

You can, however, at any time, swap a facedown Rogation with another Rogation from your hand without penalty.  The Rogation you no longer wish to use simply goes back into your hand, replacing the new Rogation which you have placed in the Field of Play.  You cannot swap faceup Rogations.

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