Friday, December 13, 2013

Dev Log: The Vortex #32 - Reworded Cards (and Instructions)

I went through all of the cards and reworded them to keep vocabulary consistent.  "in play" is now "the Field of Play" and references to "Turn" have been changed when what I mean to say is "Round".  Some things have been clarified, like a few Frenzies that might have been confusing.

I also made some instructions that look nice, and hopefully are thorough and easy to follow.  I have tons of examples of turns and at the end a five Round game, so readers can get the feel of it.  After sixteen pages, I still haven't covered the weird interactions, so there may still be questions.  But for an alpha version, I think it's okay.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the rules to look right in .pdf, so I've made two versions: a .xps, and a .doc.  Hopefully, one of those two formats works for you.  I'll try to make it into a PDF some other time.

So here is all the PDFs again, most of which have some changes to them, plus the newest rules DOC/XPS.

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