Just a bit of bug fixing this week. I discovered a bug when the room the player starts in is south of the second room; the rooms didn't realize they were connected. It turned out I was checking a vector index from 1-6 instead of 0-5 (indexes! -shakes fist-).
I did add couple more terms to the dictionary so the player can move up and down a floor with a few more vocab words. I always found the the biggest problem with text adventures was that players had to be oddly specific with vocab, so I hope to be able to make it as robust as I can. Might be a little too much to make a spell check.
I'm trying to figure out how to do a bit of world-building, and considering how to make the odds of different types of rooms. Right now it's too simplistic, so sometimes you don't want two of the same type of room coming together (so two hallways would be fine, two connected bedrooms would not), but the chance of that happening is too good. So I'm thinking of adding a variable to each room type that determines the chance of it coming up when a new room is made. But I think there's a better way to do that, so I'll see if I can figure it out.
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