Friday, January 23, 2015

Latchkey #65 - Drop Command

Fixed the Drop command to work with the new parser function.  Should work, and I haven't yet needed to make it any shorter or longer, so that seems like a plus.

That's about it; no testing yet since I need to get the Take command working first, and preferably all the others.  What I really need to do before this gets too deep is get the parser to take adjectives so it can determine which of multiple kinds of the same item/barrier is the one being talked about.  Right now I'm reading in multiple items/barriers in the verb functions, but I'm only taking the first listed and assuming that's what the player wants.  I think I'm gonna need a whiteboard for that, so I can make some flowcharts and then some pseudocode.  It seems like a mess.  But perhaps, like a lot of the things I dread, it'll be easier than I expect.

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