Friday, October 18, 2013

Dev Log: The Vortex #30 - Card PDFs

Since I rearranged my Dev Logs & Projects tab, I realized how many projects have been postponed.  Let's fix that.

The main reason I put The Vortex on hiatus was because I live in a gaming dead zone where I can't get testers easily.  But why let that stop me?  Just like my Dominion mods, there's no need to make them truly local.

So even though I can't watch people playing this game, they can still test it.  Here are a bunch of PDFs of the cards for you to print out and play, as well as a PDF of the current ruleset.

Each set of cards is in a separate PDF because there's hundreds of cards and putting them in one PDF would make loading it take forever.  It's easier to print them out this way.

The Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and Locations each get printed out once.  Rogations and Frenzies get printed out twice.  Obviously, print out as many copies of the rules as you like :p

Feel free to print them out and play, and leave a comment about anything you feel sucks and should be changed (also comments saying what's awesome is also welcome).

Note: all the images are purely placeholder and are not my own.

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