I've now changed the temperature fluff from linear to being based
on height variance.
It works better, with
no more out of range exceptions, though it's still not the greatest.
Eventually I'll find a far more dynamic
solution, just to mix things up, but for now at least it's interesting.
The only problem really comes in when the
player starts in a room that's "so hot you think you're going to
faint" or "so cold your toes feel numb."
Eventually this will be far more than flavor
text, and might have some kind of measurable impact, so it wouldn't do to have
the very first room put the player in mortal danger.
But again, for now, since it's just flavor
text, it's more of an experiment that can be applied to other circumstances
However, all that's just goofy fun stuff. The really meat I accomplished is adding
"examine" to the dictionary.
When the player types "examine <object>" the game checks
the room for that item, and spits out the item description. If it's not in the room, it checks the
player's inventory. I'm thinking to make
the game slightly more realistic, the player will have to have a limited
inventory. Bags of holding are silly.
But, in any case, the player can now walk, take, and
examine. We might have the start of an adventure
game here!
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