Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Early Monthly Update: Delibergamed

Usually, I'm scatterbrained, and worked on 10,000 projects at once (hence the name of the blog, hahaI'msoclever).  This means that often a project will start, stop, and stutter.

The appropriate response to the blog title pun.
To combat this, for the month of March, I've decided to squeeze the number of projects I'm working on down to two (four, if you include my job search and restarting a diet, which I do).

I'll continue to work on my Facebook Timeline Adventure, although by posting only once or twice a day, it won't take much time each day.

So the majority of the month will actually be spent on a brand new project that will take exactly the full month of March and nothing more (hence why this update is one post early):

I'm going to create a single DOOM level, from start to finish, with the final product being the last post of the month.  Every post in March will be dedicated to this level.

I'll post screenshots along the way, and cap it off with the .wad being available for download.  I'll also make a video playthrough for people who can't play the game.

If, for some reason, I simply MUST post something else, I'll post it on Thursday, so that every Tuesday and Friday post is still dedicated to the DOOM level.

The level will be simple and short, and this exercise is more of a test in completing a short term project (if you notice, all of my dev logs are for bigger projects), and an exercise in concentration, than anything else.  Let's see if I can stop being so scatterbrained for a month.

All the creatures of the animal kingdom think "Scattergamed" is a terrible name.
However, because every post will be a dev log, that means for all of March, there will be no reviews, articles, deconstructions, or dev logs of other projects (January Engine, Vortex, Sacrifice).

After seeing how well this works, I'll find out if I want to continue the blog in that kind of manner, or bounce back and forth between them (one month will be a bit of everything, the next month will be devoted to one project).

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