Friday, September 5, 2014

Dominion: Industry #13 - Canal & Clockwork Fixes

After playing a game involving plentiful use of both Canal and Clockwork, I have decided to switch the prices.  Canal is now worth $4, because it is far more useful than I thought it would be; even players who typically don't like to trash cards are fond of it.  Clockwork is much slower than I anticipated, and only tends to be useful towards the end of the game, so I lowered the price to $3.  It's still fun to play, just not used quite as often.  Perhaps in other games the Clockwork Tokens will rise quicker and it'll be necessary to raise the price again.  But that's what playtesting is all about!

I also clarified the rules for Canal, so if you have no cards in your hand during your Cleanup Phase, you don't trash anything, and you don't gain any cards.

The price change does mess with the balance of some of the suggested sets, so I may make corrections to them.  But who knows, they might still be fine.  Only one way to find out!


  1. Here's an idea - why not make Oil a Treasure/Victory card that gets trashed if used? Otherwise it feels to close to the Spoils to me.

    1. It basically is Spoils, yes. It doesn't quite make sense to make it a Victory card because oil isn't a form of land, but I probably could find another way to mix it up a bit so it's not just a Silver Spoils. Perhaps what I might be able to do is make it an Action card that still gets put back upon use, but I'd have to play a bit to come up with what it does in particular. Perhaps something simple like +2 Cards, +$2, because the more unique part about it is the way it's gained. Though I could make it something less bland, since both Madman and Mercenary from Dark Ages do interesting stuff, too, and have unique ways of gaining them. I'll think about how to make it more interesting.

  2. You could just as easily call it "Oil Field" and it would work with the victory concept. I think giving it some element so the player has to think about if or when to play it would be a good way to make it more distinct.

    1. I already have an Oil Field card :p

      See Part 2:
