Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dominion: Industry #8

A few fixes, and PDFs at the bottom:

Luddites, Water Wheel, Pawn Broker, & Automaton fixes.
Revised Luddites, Water Wheel, Pawn Broker, & Automaton. Click to read.
After examining Luddites again, I decided to tone it down and reduce the price.  Luddites now only costs five, but the players affected by the attack only trash Action cards, rather than any card type.  This is a little more in line with the concept of the card, and not being too abusive.  I also had to fix an error in it that could cause massive devastation.  Before, there was no limit to the attack, so if five Luddites were played before your turn, it is entirely possible you'd have zero cards when your turn came up.  So that's mitigated somewhat here by saying that after players trash the card, they then draw a card, bringing the number of cards in their hand back up.  I'm still on the fence about its price however; I'm not sure if it should be worth the five I've now set it at, or if it truly is as evil as I think it is, and should raise it back up to six.

After playing with some of the regular Dominion sets like Seaside, I reconsidered the price of Water Wheel.  It is probably far too expensive at six, so I've dropped the price on it as well to five.

There was also a fair bit of wording errors to fix to bring the cards to what I intended them to be:

I also fixed the text on Pawn Broker so you reveal it from your hand at the start of cleanup, rather than during cleanup.  This is because cards which happen at the start of cleanup happen before the player discards their cards and draws new cards, while cards which happen during cleanup happen after discarding and drawing a new five cards.

When I playtested Automaton, I discovered I left out the most important word in the game: "may".  The cards should read "You may trash one card"; otherwise, it's implied that you must.  Oops!

I also added a bit more to the instructions to explain how cards work during Cleanup more fully.

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