Saturday, October 3, 2015

Latchkey - Interface

After quite the long break from Latchkey, I'm giving it a reboot.  Now that I know a bit more about how to get things properly programmed, I'm starting from scratch and reworking many of the kinks.  I'm also rethinking the basic design of it, and I'm going to carefully consider each design choice, beginning with the user interface:

A more streamlined look.
I've tried to streamline the user interface to give it a less complicated and less intimidating look.  Now there's only three windows: one for chat, one for the main window, and one for directions.  I still feel that directional text is too important to get jumbled in with the main action window, and chat would be cumbersome there, as well.  But player actions, various descriptions, realtime text, and error messages are all being condensed into the main action text field.

I've also tried to get closer to a classic look by removing the basic Flash textfield borders and creating a text-based border.

One problem I've discovered is the way things stretch when you maximize the window, distorting the placement of the textfields, so I'm going to lock the window to 1024x768 (which is far larger than old games anyway), which gives plenty of room so things don't seem cramped, but still gives off (hopefully) the feel of those old text adventures.

Latchkey attempt number two begins...

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