Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Development Log: January Engine - Week 6

O ho! Finally got back to coding, after significantly changing the design.

I've been spending a lot of time going over what I want to do with this, on paper, because I found that winging it was not as rewarding as I expected.  So now I've got some semblance of a design, and it is more than just making an RPG with cards.

The battle system will now work more like a combination board game and collectible card game.  You go through the overworld finding cool cards (just like before), but you use them in battle to capture hexes, upgrade buildings, and a ton of other stuff to get you points.  Whoever reaches a target number of points faster, wins.

Ultimately, it ends up sort of like a CCG/RTS Settlers of Catan hybrid.

Of course, little of that can be seen right now.  What is there is just a hex board, with black indicating placeholder hexes (which can't be clicked on), and other colors of hexes, which will represent resources and factions.

As you pass your mouse over hexes, a little box will pop up over each.  What I hope to do it have those boxes give you options of what you can do in that hex based on the cards in your hand (and sometimes you can't do anything).

You can also use the arrow keys to slide around the board, since it won't all fit on one screen.  I'll also add WASD controls next week, or make it move when the mouse reaches the edge of the screen, but that may be too annoying for both the player and myself.

There is also code for dealing a hand of cards and a player deck, but at the moment it won't display, so that'll probably be for next week.

In the meantime: You can "play" Week 6 here (though there's not much to play).

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