Opinions & Reviews

Here you will find opinion pieces on random topics from game mechanics to the state of the games industry. Further down are Reviews of recent games (or they were recent at the time of review), plus reviews of Flash/browser games, tabletop games, and older, forgotten games.


02/11/14 - Addiction... And the Reverse
11/26/13 - Positive Feedback Loops
10/04/13 - Sustainable Gameplay
07/09/13 - Infinite Beginnings
07/05/13 - There's Something About Adventure Games
04/13/13 - The Arguments of "Always On" & "The End of Single Player"
04/09/13 - An Experiment in Gaming Quality
03/29/13 - The Medium-Budget Game
03/15/13 - Lifelong Games
03/12/13 - The Art and the Imagination
01/25/13 - Book-like and Movie-like Games
01/18/13 - The Storytelling, and Story-Making Medium
01/11/13 - On the Oculus Rift, Ouya, and Google Glass
01/08/13 - On Frustration and Difficulty
12/18/12 - A Completely Roundabout Way of Discussing the Future of Game Development
12/08/12 - When the Power Goes Out
09/25/12 - Augmented Reality Games, and Their Genres
05/15/12 - Games as More than Rules
02/10/12 - A Non-Gamer Plays Halo: Reach
01/31/12 - The Gamer's Paradox: The Journey and the Destination
01/27/12 - Three Types of Protagonists
12/20/11 - Games Aren't a Storytelling Medium (Yet)
12/27/11 - Crafting a Massively Single-Player Online Experience
11/18/11 - Crossing Media
11/08/11 - Getting Into Gaming
10/18/11 - The Importance of Design
09/22/11 - Stand Up and Play
09/20/11 - The Technological Constraints of Art
09/13/11 - Pausing Creativity
09/08/11 - Crossing Genres
08/30/11 - Meandering Ramblings from the Tabletop
08/25/11 - Redefining Genre
08/23/11 - On Violence
08/18/11 - The Problem with Achievements
08/16/11 - Curing Sequelitis with Name Recognition
08/11/11 - The Importance of (Placeholder) Art
08/04/11 - The Case for Episodic Gaming, Episode 1
08/02/11 - Making Sound Important


Console & PC Game Reviews:
DC Universe Online 1st (& 2nd) Impressions
DC Universe Online Followup: 3rd Time's a Charm
Dragon Nest Review