Thursday, January 23, 2020

Ruin of Seffala – Blue Followthrough, More Black & Red Removal

Drover's Deliverance, Wishdown, Swept in the Current, Expulsion, Volanti Student, Inveigle
Lots o' text. Click.
I notice here the inconsistency with the wording of Followthrough, so I think if I make a Seffala version 2, I will most certainly strive for a more consistent version of it. It should probably be a cast trigger at all times, rather than an ETB trigger for permanents. Other than that, these are all your basic bonuses for Followthrough. In some cases, the bonus just amplifies the effect (lie Swept in the Current), while in others it provides an additional effect (like Drover's Deliverance). Inveigle was definitely another word of the day from

Little Brighter, Skyquake, Fading Dimmer, Lateral Damage, Furious Brighter, Hack Through

I like the flavor of Fading Dimmer; it's suggestive of an old Djinn who can finally spend the last of its essence for a final effect. Little Brighter, meanwhile, is like a baby Djinn that's just learning the ropes. (I also like the number of Brighter/Dimmer puns I have managed.) Skyquake is anti-Shaman tech. Normally red only hurts ground creatures when it comes to mass damage spells, but it's not unprecedented to get a flyer-only spell in Red. Hack Through is a Green-hate card, especially with all the Moss Wall tokens Green gets.

Morass Vitiators, Quiet Violence, Savage Gorgonops, Disease, Slough Constrictor, Slogsand

I have a feeling that both 'Vitiators' and 'Gorgonops' may have been more words of the day that I managed to find a place for. Quiet Violence is restrictive removal, but not restrictive in Black's normal way, but rather in White's, I think, so I think in the future one of the things I need to keep in check is cards that bend the color pie just a tad too much. I like how Disease worked, in that you can get rid of near anything in the format, but you have to take a big hit to do so. And for the very few creatures with toughness greater than five, you can shut them down for a turn without having to take the damage quite yet. Perhaps, however, it could be a cheaper mana cost.

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