Tuesday, August 29, 2017

FissureVerse: 8 more cards

Yet eight more cards to post. I seem to go through them quick enough to warrant a lot of posts in quick succession.

Vermin and Bravery
Click and stuff.
I changed Bravery's Attack stat from -1 to +0, both because it fits with the theme and because it evens out the card. Other cards in this line will get similar treatment.

Servants of the Noise and Through the Mud

I always flip flop on the flavor text of Servants of the Noise. I considered adding “THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT BUT THIS ONE IS MINE,” but that would be overkill, and The Noise don't really know how to form sentences that long.

I'm debating about whether to make a change to the stats bar of Through the Mud, like adding +1 Torment. Unfortunately I think that, although it would thematically work, it would make it far too powerful. I should instead give it negative attributes, but I think all that would overly complicate the card, especially with such a big special rule.

Servants of Solidity and The Expired

The Expired gets its wording slightly changed from “If this is Killed” to “If this would be Killed”, because that keeps a Location from triggering. I may change it back.

Treetomb and The Crystalline Tower

Crystalline Tower loses its special text, of course. I think Defense winning ties when Crusading by Reason might make a good mechanic somewhere else, so I'll have to keep it in mind. Probably not a Spiker, however.

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