Monday, August 28, 2017

FissureVerse: 13 cards and a back

On my last post, I forgot to give Lifters and Lugubrious the Crusade Icon. Fixed now in the Google drive.

Mirage, the Desert Temple and Grime
Clicky clicky.
I decided that the artwork of Mirage, the Desert Castle looked more like a church or a temple, so I opted to rename the card. Goes more with the religious theme of the game, than of a medieval fantasy.

Seedling & Sermon

Seedling (and Starving previously) get their special rules text updated to be more clear. Seedling sounds grammatically correct, but Starving never seems quite right.

Sermon gets a lot of its wording changed, considering it is no longer a Conditional Rogation. It loses a little bit of its theme by removing the whole “place in the Field” aspect, but that's okay enough, I suppose. The tricky bit was to word it in such a way as to take up as little room as possible, so I could keep the flavor text. I think they kind of run into each other a little bit, but hopefully the split is noticeable to the eye.

Location card back and Cremation, the Deadworld

I'm not just fixing the fronts of cards, of course, but the backs as well. I've decided to make the Location Card backing similar to the front in terms of the title bar and border. I keep the Location icon so there's no chance of confusion whatsoever. I think I'll probably do something similar (just rotated) for player deck cards (though I don't know what icon I could give them, apart from the 'cracked disc' icon, though I don't like that idea).

Cave of the Weeping and A Child's Imagination

I keep forgetting A Child's Imagination is a Green card. Makes them rather devious, I think, and only sounds out of character if you're not paying attention.

The Derelict and Respectators

I updated the text of The Derelict to match Earthlings (and also changed Earthlings to match The Derelict). Still unsure about these, but at least for The Derelict, there's the bonus of being not pathetic in Endurance.

Similar to how Lifters is great as a Red card, I think Respectators is great a a Blue card. A Blue player might want Respectators in their deck and protect it at all costs, so they have a fighting chance at conversion by Torment.

Coded & Scribes

I changed Coded's Endurance stat from -1 to +0. On a pure numbers standpoint, it evens out the stats and perhaps makes such Frenzies more likely to be used, but also I felt that thematically it worked better. Similar Frenzies will probably get a similar change.

For a card like Scribes, with no special rules, I wonder about the blank space. On the one hand, he's diligently writing in silence. On the other hand, that blank space is very conspicuous. I'm considering a “Shh...” as the flavor text, just to put something there. But then, I'd have to do that for lots of other cards I intentionally leave blank.

Whispers and Love Potion

I gave Whispers a Spiker requirement of 0-6, suggesting it's a possible action in all but the most dire circumstances, when the universe is reaching its conclusion and Reinforcements cannot arrive in time.

Just like Coded, I modified Love Potion's stats to be more even, in this case changing Torment from -1 to +0.

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