Friday, April 27, 2012

Learning Radiant

On the advice of a recruiter, I'm going to be spending next month learning the level tool GtkRadiant, to expand my horizons with such tools.  Most job postings I see want experience in either UDK, Unity, or Radiant, and I already know the first two.

So I'll be spending the month learning the tool, copying tutorials, and hopefully making an area (I hesitate to call it a 'level') that will incorporate some advanced concepts.

However, unlike the last Monthathon, I won't be using every post to discuss my progress, because it may not be quite as interesting.  So instead I'll post each Tuesday about Radiant, and reserve Friday posts for other stuff, like more reviews and whatnot.

At the end of the month, I'll see how far along I've come with the tool, and I may decide to make a real level with it after that.

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