Well, I was going to wait until next post for this, but I've been busy with my volunteer project and don't have much to show in the way of the horror text adventure, so now is as good a time as any for the monthly update.
I think what I'm going to try for next month is a continuation of the horror text adventure. I'll try to solidify more of it into a legit design doc, settle on the way things work (at least for a first pass), and start prototyping in my usual clumsy way. Maybe *gasp* I'll try some pseudocode first to make sure I understand what I'm doing.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 6
Let's skip the design notes today; they're slowing down
anyway and it's time to test some of these ideas rather than philosophize about
So today I'm sketching out making safe rooms static and
elaborate so players can meet in more than tiny one-room campfires, which was my first thought when the idea of this game hit me.
![]() |
The player never sees this. It's all in their MINDS! |
We'll start off with the setup of a first year safe zone,
being an elementary school. I made it
small, compared to some, perhaps, but I think it's fairly accurate to how my
elementary school was set up, as far as I can remember. Growing up, however, I lived in the middle of
nowhere, and my one small elementary school took kids from seven towns, and we
were proud when we reached a population of 200 students, faculty, and
staff. So it seems small at first, but I
think it'll be large enough to house new players and get them used to
interacting with others and learning about safe zones.
Supposing there were a 365 room cap per year, and there were
multiple safe zones in each year, the safe zone rooms wouldn't count as part of
that room cap. Otherwise, 43 of the
rooms would be used right here.
On top of this map, I've also begun throwing together a
static room description list for this area, so it can easily be c&p'd when
I program it. Right now the descriptions
get redundant, especially for large rooms and corridors, but I'll work on them to
make them more descriptive and subtle, while trying to eliminate that
"Text Adventure Vocab" that creeps in as I write room descriptions.
Anyway, this school would be a basic setup, probably for
year one, and possibly with slight alterations for year two or three safe
zones, before letting the school become dangerous in later years (and it would
lose cohesion completely so it would become randomized).
Friday, May 24, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 5
More notes, this time starting with a list of possible physical areas, then exploring themes for scares once more, using children's horror books as examples, and sliding around the mechanics to see what takes precedence. I think I like the idea in the last paragraph, of making monster be more of the continual ticking clock threat (a ticking clock where you don't know the time!), and puzzles be the real thought-provoking challenges.
Scraps and Notes and
Ideas for Horror Adventure
Remember that the common places were the scariest in Silent
Hill. Elementary school = scary. Sewer
!= scary.
So, with that in mind, think back to being 8. 2nd grade, approximately. What scared
ME? What did I do, what were my
hobbies? What do OTHERS do? Since I
lived in middle of nowhere, the experience is quite different. Perhaps just start with my life, and work my
way up to other things as I think of them.
Common Places:
- Bus ride to/from
- Class itself
- Lunchroom
- Recess
-- Swing Set
-- Slide
-- Pavilion
-- Monkey Bars
-- Kickball Field
- Nurse's office
- Bathroom
- Friends' houses
-- Friend's birthday parties
-- Sleepovers
- Friends' back yards
- Friends' woods
-- Forts/treeforts/snowforts
- Back yard
- Woods
- Flower Garden/Vegetable Garden
- Church
- Town Hall
- Library
- General Store
Babysitters' Houses
- Back yards
- Woods
- Field
- Barn
Cub Scouts (don't remember much?)
- Meeting Hall
Common Hobbies:
- Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers
- Goosebumps (discovered it in 2nd grade!)
Videogames/Computer Games
- NES, PC games
Special Yearly Activities:
- Hay Ride
- Apple picking
- Visiting Relatives
- Stockings
- Waiting for Santa (did I believe at 8?)
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Visiting Relatives
- Almost Catching Easter Bunny (did I believe at 8?)
New Year's
Fourth of July
Dentist visit (twice a year)
Was I 8 When...?
- Hiking
- Zombie in the closet
- Monster under the bed
- Neighbor's evil dogs (Dobermans or something)
Now stop for a second. A.) Mostly woods, since that's where
I grew up. Life is completely different for a city kid.
Well, anyway, new idea: what if what is a safe zone changes
depending on year? Since Elementary
School was awesome, but Middle School sucked, for first few years the safe zone
looks like a school, but later the school becomes dangerous. It would lull the player into a sense of
safety and think that the school motif is okay, and then later strangely there
are no other players in the school, and monsters start appearing, making it
terrifying and quite a shock.
So let's start with this idea of making common ground safe
zones, like a full school structure, and work on randomized danger zones later?
Stop one second. I'm
reading Stephen King right now, and it's making my heart skip. Let's look back at good ol' R.L. Stine for
some lessons. Was Goosebumps actually
scary? Some were. Welcome to Dead House, Night of the Living
Dummy, The Girl Who Cried Monster, The Ghost Next Door, The Haunted Mask...
What are the themes of these? Because that's what really scares children.
In order, we've got Ghosts, Toys coming alive, Parental distrust, Ghosts, and
Losing control. In fact, Night of the
Living Dummy and The Girl Who Cried Monster are BOTH about losing control, as
well, so we've got three stories where the kid loses control of a situation,
and two more are simple ghost stories.
And what is a ghost, really?
A spirit of the dead, yes, but what do they DO? Sometimes you've got a
poltergeist, but usually they're just something that you don't understand, and
they're scary because you don't understand them. Fear of the unknown and loss of control.
Move to the Scary Stories series by Alvin Schwartz. Besides the
nightmare-inducing pictures, what were the scariest stories about?
Disturbing premises, for one: things off-kilter in a big way
to set the mood, like a boy finds a big toe in the ground, and takes it to his
mother, and SHE COOKS IT and THEY EAT IT. WTF?!
Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts... Not being believed...
Also, expectations of fear! Some are about haunted houses,
so people expect scary things to
happen, and The Girl Who Stood on a Grave has the idea of hands coming out of
the ground even when none does, she still dies of fright.
Premonitions... hmm, how would I work that one in? Not just premonitions, but foreshadowing of
any kind that the character understands, like in The Hook, the radio reports a
prison break.
Modern scares, like High Beams and The Babysitter. Work in telephones, somehow? After all, that bit in Silent Hill was
disturbing. Phones can definitely find
their way in, though I wouldn't know how to add cars.
So, all told: primary themes of these stories: Fear of the
unknown, off-kilter premises (the world takes care of that?), loss of control, and
expectations of fear/premonitions, which can also be interpreted as tone, to
some extent.
So fear of the unknown is taken care of by exploration (kind
of the opposite, but the tone makes players explore almost in morbid curiosity,
scared to do so but knowing they have to), and what is left is loss of control.
How do you show loss of control through a game where you get
the thrill of solving puzzles and such?
Perhaps if monsters aren't bosses in themselves, puzzles are, and the
monsters are unkillable creatures that chase, and all you can do is hope to
make it to a safe zone in time. I think
that will help tie things together.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Goin Hikin BRB
Off to the Appalachian Trail for a week. When I get back, I shall continue my design work on my horror text adventure to finish up the month.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 4
Well, as usual, more notes for today. The theme today is mostly on the order of expanding the scope to accommodate a wider slice of life, and how to incorporate such things properly.
Scraps and Notes and Ideas for Horror Adventure
What about the seedier aspects of childhood; the kinds of
things that aren't "normal" and are much more difficult to
overcome? If the "normal"
(white middle-class suburban) stuff is terrifying, what to do about gang
violence, sexual abuse, drugs, and things like that that some kids end up in?
Is there, perhaps, a way to make areas of the world that are
even WORSE than normal, perhaps where there are fewer safe zones, everything
seems more terrifying, perhaps more monsters, and you aren't likely to survive
at all? Perhaps the tonal shift to these
areas is steep, so a player knows long before entering that if they go that
way, voluntarily, they aren't likely to make it out alive, and there are
warning everywhere to try to steer you away, but should you enter anyway, you
unleash hell. Once the door is open, it
can't be closed, and the game gets ten times harder.
If a player has a proper amount of fear, they will steer
clear of these areas and make it through each year without messing themselves
up. A player who is wild and enticed by the prospect of it all, finding,
somehow, it to be intriguing, makes things worse.
Or, perhaps, could their be a way to either randomly
generate the chances of a player coming across these "opportunities",
so one player might experience a less dangerous life than another (hey, just
like real life), or perhaps offer difficulty settings at the beginning? I never
really liked difficulty settings and have always been a fan of dynamic
difficulty adjustment, but I wonder if there is a place for settings.
There must be a better way, surely.
Of course, being that this game is made by me, I can only
create what I know, and my experience is on the lighter side of these things.
If the complete experience were nothing but a white middle-class suburban
experience, how would that effect the player? Considering this entire game is
purely metaphorical, would the player ever notice?
Perhaps the best bet is indeed to offer an in-game
"hard mode", above, where the player gets warning after warning not
to open the gates of hell, so to speak, and they make the decision.
The tough part always is about how to make death and fear
mean something. The hellish option
should be one that most players would choose to avoid, yet the desire for
exploration is so wrapped around the whole concept of videogames (and even this
one, it's a major mechanic), that it becomes tough to warn away players. If the warnings are too comical and large,
they'll think they're ironic/sarcastic/untrue warnings, and that they should be
following them as part of the game, and if there isn't enough warning, players
may unwitting stumble into those areas and get themselves killed.
So a balance must be struck between subtle but fair
warnings. An average player is likely to
see them, and the scary nature of the rest of the world itself makes players
not want to open those doors. Players on
the extreme ends of the spectrum will either miss the warnings and mistakenly
open the doors, or see the warnings and laugh at them. There's nothing that can be done about those,
because when you fix one end you make the other worse.
So things will just have to be balanced. It will take a lot of playtesting to see how
such a thing turns out, and, of course, players interacting with each other is
a wild card. How to mold players to want
to help others? Perhaps as long as most players are that way, the jerks don't
have too much influence.
Or, perhaps, like how each "year" gets locked,
perhaps there is a way to lock the doors of hell behind a player, so they can't
get back? Maybe, or maybe it depends on what
they represent. I kind of think that's a
bad idea, and locking things out is already a little annoying.
Suppose there is no locking of years, while we're at
it. A player who is 16 can still
interact with a player who's 10. But,
given the exploratory nature of the game, the player who's 16 is physically far
away from a player who's 10, and unlikely to meet again. The player who is 16
is most likely using later safe zones than the 10 year old, and so unless the
16 year old has an oddly looping world, he's not likely to swing by.
And perhaps the rarity of players who DO do that allows me
to have my cake and eat it too: SOME older players can meet younger ones, but
it's not likely, individually, but guaranteed overall.
But to this hellish extra stuff:
If we take the "normal but upside down" approach
that I mentioned last time, where the world is NOT all doom and gloom, just
subtly creepy, would these other areas BE more doom and gloom? Or find a way to make the tonal shift still
not so drastic, with perhaps it just giving off a much scarier vibe. Or offer warnings along the lines of
"You can hear screams and shrieks and cries of pain and howling wolves
through the door", etc.
Now, would the average player say "Er, yah, let's try
door number two instead" or would the average player say "Ooh, sounds
dangerous, let's see what's screaming"?
It should be the former, and no matter what you may do to steer away the
latter, they are a lost cause.
You can't please everyone.
But heck, if I'm spending time to create that section of the
world, I might as well make SOME use out of it, even if I shouldn't. I won't encourage its use, but if someone
falls through the cracks, well, that's life, right?
Friday, May 10, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 3
Today is another post of design notes like Part 1, random
thoughts and so on. Sooner or later
they'll be solidified and put in order.
This one mostly tackles the idea of monsters and player
death. It also gets into some questions
about how to make things scary, what horror means, and considers videogame and
movie examples for justification.
Scraps and Notes and
Ideas for Horror Adventure
Consider how monsters truly work.
Should there be many, or very few? Should they work basically as bosses only,
and most of the world is puzzles?
Perhaps a monster roams the "year" freely, and gives chase
when it spots you. That way you are
always running?
Perhaps that is that case, where there is one monster per
year, and can't be defeated just by fighting them. Throughout each year, the
player slowly learns some skill, or perhaps discovers how to defeat the monster
near the end of the year, and once the monster is defeated, the player can move
on to the next year.
Perhaps some years there is more than one monster. Maybe +1
monster each year? Although no two monsters can be defeated the same way.
The point of the game, of course, is survival, or part of it
anyway, and you feel far too in control if you can easily defeat lots of
monsters. And even if you can't defeat
them, and all you do is run, the more there are, the more actiony the game
feels, and less scary. Alien was scarier
than Aliens. The fewer the number of monsters, the more weight each one
gets. Hence, Zombie movies aren't scary.
But there also needs to be an ebb and flow to danger, and
I'm not sure if that's taken care of by safe zones. Maybe you always want to be a little on edge
outside, but you shouldn't necessarily be fearing for your life at all
times. Having too much of that is
draining and overloads the player.
Gotta be very careful about overloading, because that's the
biggest problem with horror games and movies that aren't scary. After all, every great slasher flick has ONE
killer, no more.
So, heck, would one monster a year be overdoing it?
Considering how by the time you get to monster #10, you aren't scared at all?
Perhaps, each player gets ONE monster that chases them
throughout the entire game, one monster that represents a culmination of all
fears, and it's the puzzles the player has to solve combined with that one
monster giving chase that create that sense of panic and fear. "I gotta get this done and escape the
level before the monster gets me!" etc.
Perhaps in year one and even two, you never see the monster,
but it's alluded to (you hear it in another room, you see evidence of it
destroying stuff in its path) which leads up to a creepy, chilling atmosphere. So that the player DREADS meeting the monster
long before he sees it.
Hmm... if each monster were unique, or unique enough per
person, how do you kind of prevent too much metagame chatter? "My monster
is blah blah", because that might ruin the illusion. Unless each player has a "personal
demon" which is more part of the world lore. That may work.
It especially works with the yearly separation, because
players in the same early year shouldn't KNOW about their demons for a little
while, so they have no way to compare notes.
By the time the player gets to later years, there are fewer
players anyway, because many of them have died.
Seriously consider what death means in a videogame. I play permadeath, but many players would
HATE to get far and die, and throw a tantrum.
Not to say that's the core audience, but I would hate for any player to get
frustrated by dying.
How can we make games that are horror and even SURVIVAL
horror without ever truly being in danger?
Perhaps there is always an escape route, and the game is always fair to
you, and you can even be injured without death? There has to be a solid way of
freaking out the player, bringing them to the edge, even dangling them off,
without dropping them.
Perhaps, as danger approaches, drop the player hints about
how to escape. Lead the player on to get
them to survive, without making it completely obvious. If they can't take the hints...?
Because this game is so high tension, it's no Dwarf Fortress,
and losing is NOT fun. I can't see how I
could die, have to create a new character and start all over, and think it's
all in good fun.
And there is NO WAY this is not permadeath. If the player dies and can resurrect easily,
there is no scare. How often has the
mood been completely killed in Silent Hill by dying? Lizard boss in SH1, Apartment meeting with
Pyramid Head in SH2, dying in the mall in SH3. All of these suck because you
die from the slightest of errors, and then you suddenly come back. How is the fear of death scary if I just
Now also multiply that feeling of annoyance from because it
happens later in the game. Just like any
awful MMO, death is a waste of time.
So instead of thinking about what the character goes
through, let's take a different tack:
What does a reader go through when reading a horror
novel? Sure, sometimes fear for the
lives of the characters happens, but the bigger fear is what? Tone and setting
things up creepily? Wasn't one of the
scariest Stephen King moments in Bag of Bones when the protagonist is talking
to his dead wife through knocking? It
made me shiver!
So it's best to make everything as subtle as possible. Make the WORLD itself less fantastical. Perhaps the more "normal" the
better? Which was scarier though, in
Silent Hill, the "normal" or "nightmare" world?
Quite frankly I don't know anymore.
I think perhaps the scariest moments were the places where
it wasn't quite nightmare world, but was rather the real world tipped a
bit. Like the "nowhere" level
of SH1, which was real-world, but the map was messed up.
So is it perhaps more that I should be making the world less
creepy than I think, or much more subtly defined, rather than full of blood and
macabre atmosphere? Because the
randomized nature of the world takes care of a lot of the "messed up"
nature of scary worlds.
Remember that Terminator was scary because it took place in
"present day", and that only those brief glimpses into the future
were necessary, because any more and we'd be flooded with post-apocalyptia (OMG
"Apocalyptia" is an AWESOME word!), and that was part of what made
Terminator 4 suck.
Similarly, Road Warrior was a great action flick, but Mad
Max was closer to "normal" and it was more dramatic.
Remember there is horror is silence! A lot of the best drama is visual. Consider giving the world character through
subtle detail but imagery that is realistic yet creepy. And find a way to make safe zones feel safe
but only in a subtle way so as to keep the overall tone with only slight
Crap, the biggest test for this game sounds like my literary
skills, not my programming skills! Oof.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 2
Well, not too much today. I've just been considering how best to split up the interface. Considering it's a text adventure, essentially, but with extra elements to it, it might be helpful for the player if each element was separate so the player doesn't have to dig through text to find the relevant info they need.
Although my quick Flash test was four boxes, I think six boxes might be necessary, or at least the most useful. This seems to be fine, considering that the sample text I'd used in the Flash test was very small and tons more could have fit in those text boxes, which means I can cut their sizes down without issue.
The one major thing I've been considering it whether to develop a text parser, or to rely on a menu-driven system. Of course a robust text parser would ultimately be the best, player-side, a menu would be easier for me to make. Ah, that's the way it always is, of course.
![]() |
What I'm thinking might work. |
The one major thing I've been considering it whether to develop a text parser, or to rely on a menu-driven system. Of course a robust text parser would ultimately be the best, player-side, a menu would be easier for me to make. Ah, that's the way it always is, of course.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Development Log: Horror Game Part 1
Well, I spent the week making design notes more than
anything, in an attempt to flesh out and experiment with how the game world
will work.
Scraps and Notes and Ideas for Horror Adventure
Not all of what I wrote matters; probably most of it will be
trashed, but that's part of what the experimentation is all about. I'm trying to find a way to make a solid
horror experience where the player gets sucked in to the text and forgets
they're playing the game.
But the notes don't cover everything, and they assume you
know what's going on in my head, because, of course, I wrote these notes for
So, in essence, what I had in mind before writing my notes
was this:
A horror text adventure that would be online, where the
player may meet other players in specific areas. Where players meet would be "safe
zones" so they can chat, discuss what they've seen, etc. I might offer a few "Channels",
such as one for Newbies and Mentors, and one for Roleplayers who like to keep
in character.
But beyond safe zones, the world would be randomly generated
for each player, so players could not meet outside of safe zones. In the world, it is creepy, dangerous, and
you are very, very alone.
The goal of the game is escaping the nightmare world. The player is trying to find a somewhat-legendary
exit, and must explore endless rooms to do so. ("Rooms", of course,
being text adventure vocab, and not necessarily literal.)
What follows are my actual notes, which meander
and babble, and just have random idea after random idea, expounding on each for
a bit before getting off-track.
Scraps and Notes and Ideas for Horror Adventure
Player ideas:
Player is a child ages 8-18 -- Scares metaphorical of
puberty, growing up, sex, schooling, abusive parents/authority, responsibility.
RESPONSIBILITY -- As you get older, you are given more
mechanics, have to do things more on your own/take care of younger
players. You start off with little to be
able to do, but as you go you have fewer people above you and more below, and
you must guide and defend others/show them the ropes. But as a result the world gets more dangerous
for you, making the game much tougher as you gain more responsibility.
You win if you survive long enough--Once you hit a certain
age, perhaps, the possibility of escape is made. Age, however, is constant, so the game is
essentially timed. You make it to age 18
and the door opens, hit age 19 and the door closes.
So you have 1 year to get to the end, once the end has
become available. However you start at
age 8, so you have 10 years to survive before the door even opens.
Once you have survived all the way, your character gets
"hall of famed" whether personally or globally.
Is age in realtime? #Turns? Fraction of realtime? Don't want to use anything like exp or
leveling because some players may figure out tricks and beat the game fast. #
Rooms discovered?
3650 Rooms for 1 room a "day"! As long as you don't discover anything new,
you stay same age? :( But I guess it
does have advantages. It allows for "sprints" where the player is
trying to go from safe room to safe room.
So safe rooms are not quite random, but you only discover
safe rooms at intervals, and everyone discovers the same safe rooms? So like Players who find the first safe room,
that is the same safe room for everyone?
Or have multiple saferooms in each "year" that might
randomize, for instance. -> * problem here is I like the idea of older
players helping younger ones, and cutting off between years doesn't work.
Lock off each year with a "boss" be it monster or
puzzle (or monstrous puzzle?), which in turn also changes the theme of the
year. (One might be a puberty theme,
next might be authority theme?) Or
interweave minor themes together. Make
corresponding locations as themes, e.g. school/church = authority, woods =
puberty, etc. (But think them all through very well). You get a mix of each every year, but some
years get more of one than another?
Perhaps research that kind of stuff, as well as diffs. between male and
female! Perhaps use statistical chances?
In the last year, you are slowly stripped of your friends
(i.e. your path becomes more solitary).
Each time you log on, the description of yourself may change
slightly as you age.
Player has opportunity to gain skills through:
Practice - Player could take up an instrument and practice,
getting better at it
Exercise - Player could run around a safe zone to increase
Hmm... I wonder though, should "stats" ever come
into play? Should things be quantified
in that way? Of course, PLAYER should
never see them anyway. But should there be stats hidden to the player that
effect the game? Little things that the
player wouldn't necessarily know to do?
Like running from a monster for long periods as it chases you would
increase some kind of endurance stat-- but what if we did some Cthulhu type
stuff where prolonged exposure to monsters drives you crazy?
And the crazier you go, the more monsters you see? That
might translate poor, especially if the player doesn't know.
What would sanity do? Insanity? If a player's sanity went down "all the
way" what would happen? We wouldn't
want to have them see other players as monsters because they would try to kill
them. That would be a bad experience to
innocent players in safe zones. Perhaps
if insanity went down all the way, the layout the player has been discovering
the whole time is erased, and replaced by more fixed rooms that always lead to
death? Or perhaps there is one safe
room, and if the player goes there and stays there long enough, they gain their
sanity back?
But what would such a room be like? The ultimate comfort of a real-world bedroom,
And what would a breakdown like that REPRESENT? If this is a metaphorical game of growing up,
what does it mean? Does it mean an
emotional breakdown, or something else?
For that matter, what do the monsters mean? If monsters that represent the confusions of
puberty go away after a time, they get replaced with monsters that represent
later teenage fears -- graduating, going to college/getting a job, the pressure
of parents.
I guess confusion is taken care of in a sense because the
player, as s/he goes, memorizes the layout of the gameworld, perhaps finding a
hub that they are comfortable with.
But how do you represent picking a college with a monster? Perhaps that is something for more intricate
In fact, maybe special life choices like that are
"bosses" while general stresses, like high school classes and grades,
are more normal monsters. However, they
must ALWAYS be carefully described, so they represent these but are NOT
obvious. They CANNOT be obvious. They should be scary and original, and a
player would have to seriously read between the lines to get it.
Back to insanity, because that's a mechanic--
Let's see, being with players, as in peers, raises sanity
and calms you--or only if you're an extrovert?
Let's suppose you can pick whether to be an introvert or extrovert--to
be an introvert means non-multiplayer safe zones restore your sanity.
Not sure there :/
Wouldn't want a player to go insane because they're in a multiplayer
safe zone and an introvert.
Unless safe zones are complexes, with beds and lots more;
they are more like fortresses than single rooms, so you can go to a bedroom and
sleep or you can chat with friends by the fire.
So even if you're introverted or extroverted, being in a
safe zone is universally a good thing.
Maybe if you're one or the other, should you get a warning
saying "you need rest, find a safe empty room" or "you feel the
need to talk to someone"?
Maybe not that, in fact, you no longer need an
introvert/extrovert character, because if safe zones cater to all
possibilities, the player will do what is natural to them.
So safe zones are definitely complexes. Perhaps even tell the player they are in a safe
zone? Not in those words, but would
something like "You feel safe here" still be too gamey?
Should I let the player know they are safe--only if so then
through NPCs, or descriptions that speak to safety (the building is clean and
warm and friendly-looking, brightly lit and unshadowed, so nothing can hide).
Back to insanity--losing and rearranging the world isn't
something with too much real-world reference, except basic disorientation at
having a breakdown and not knowing who to trust. So perhaps instead of a world-rearrangement,
the world creates a bee-line for the closest known safe zone, and everything
else is cut off. You make a headlong
rush to get there, evading monsters that have previously been the ones who have
knocked the most sanity out of you, since those are the monsters you fear most
(maybe, but what if you are unafraid of a monster and know you can kill it, so
you do not run, and you laugh in its face, and let it try playing cat-and-mouse
with you. The player does not really
fear it, so sanity should not go down.
So how can that possibly be represented in game?) Maybe don't use time facing it, use harm
caused or an equation of harm caused/time, or something.
Maybe no matter what you do, you slowly lose sanity if not
in a safe zone, you just lose MORE when monsters are around, you discover a new
place, a new theme, etc.
Perhaps you gain sanity back when you defeat a monster,
solve a puzzle, etc?
Perhaps if you go insane, yet survive and restore your
sanity, your sanity meter is changed, either you are quicker to go insane
later, or perhaps you build up endurance so it takes more for you to go
insane. Perhaps the latter if you don't
go insane, but get close to it and get back just in time? Hidden vars, of course.
New idea -- how to make puzzle solving something randomly
generated like rooms? Perhaps come up
with a few types of puzzles that can vary in their details but basically play
the same. Like if the puzzle were a rube
goldberg machine (for instance) then there would always be ten pieces, and
piece number 3 could be randomly generated as one of four different pieces, but
they all ultimate do the same thing (connect piece 2 to piece 4 properly). I would just have to be careful to make that
kind of stuff work with all variants.
Alternately, puzzles could be less "in the world
physical" and more like brainteasers (Silent Hill 2's riddles, or
Sudoku-type puzzles). Could also have
puzzles be of the adventure game "find the inventory item and put it where
it needs to go" style. If there is
variation but logic to them, there could be something there. Like think of Raiders golden statue scene
where he uses a bag of sand as a weight.
You could have six different objects to put there of the same
weight. In your game, one of them is randomly
picked as the item that appears in your world.
There is always debate on those kinds of puzzles about
whether you should have the item first or find the slot first, but a randomly
generated layout leaves it up for grabs.
Think about a way to do what tabletop RPGs do: make the
player feel as though this is THEIR story, and not just a blank slate. Try to figure out how to make what happens
feel like it happens only to them. But
think about how that works if players in game safe zones were to talk about
their adventures. They can't sound all
the same. One player talking to another
might say "You'll never believe what I ran into!" and another player
will NOT have encountered the monster, or is very unlikely to, because the
details of the monsters are changed enough so that even if they play the same,
you think it's YOUR demon.
Find ways to ask questions at character creation? Or at some other point, maybe all during
first year, you pick your traits and hobbies and likes and personality which
gets displayed later. I'm kind of
annoyed by pre-creation, so what things MUST player choose?
Gender might be required, and some kind of basic description
of character (for the growth part), although maybe the player can fill that in
Find a way to integrate things so perhaps first year is
semi-random, but as the player goes on s/he develops a play style, needs, etc.,
and these are saved to help make further year stuff.
Completely randomized is easiest, but player-based MAY feel
more customized. But would player
notice? Would completely randomized be
better because there is LESS chance of two players having similar experience?
Consider having some X number of monsters/puzzles/etc. per
year. Not predictable. Perhaps player does not necessarily run into
every monster/puzzle per year? Maybe the
number of each switches depending on first year experiences? Or ongoing
Is there a way to encourage friendships and even
relationships between players? Or player-character's
complicated relationships are represented by puzzles and monsters?
IS THIS GAME ABOUT: Discovery? Survival?
You CANNOT solve the mystery, or at least the point of the
game is NOT to figure out where you are.
For all you know, you live in this world, and there is escape, at the
end, but you do not necessarily try to figure out WHY you are there. Perhaps fill the world with lore of escape to
make the player keep exploring to escape, so they don't sit in the same place
As for the older player-characters telling younger ones and
guiding them... does that really MAKE SENSE???
How often would that be? Think of
your peers, perhaps unless you have a sibling, you'll stick to kids your own age,
so unless one player "adopts" a younger one as a younger sibling,
that's not likely to happen. And I don't
know how that's possible technically, so Perhaps the yearly bottlenecks will
work best.
Of course, players who are faster than others would get
older faster, and would leave their friends behind. But in an abstract way, that happens in life,
not that people get older faster, but some certainly do mature faster, or move
on and find new groups of friends. Your
friends at age 8 are not usually your friends at age 18.
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